Event Planning

Bar Mitzvah  – In progress

I hope it’s ok, I have compiled a few ideas with links to the products below.


June 14, 2020
Rosa Matsas


Event Planning
Bar Mitzvah

“Neon” Letters

  • battery-powered
  • you can spell his name out
  • can use just the first letters of his name in various areas

Light up base

  • battery-powered
  • will illuminate anything placed over it

“Neon” sphere

  • rechargeable lasts for hours
  • I can put his name on the outside
  • low profile

Flexible “NEON” LED

  • battery-powered
  • shape it into a lighting bolt or any random shape for centerpiece

Mini LED balls

  • battery-powered
  • good for many applications

Swag Ideas & Links

Below are bags that I have used in the past to personalize with logos. Some green vinyl colors.

40 units
This graphic is copyrighted so I cannot use this exact one.
I can either use a siomilar one, or you can buy these off of amazon and I can add his name and date to it.